(DHI) Direct Hair Transplantation

Hair loss is a condition that millions of people suffer from for various reasons or for different purposes, be it cosmetic preferences or health issues. Fortunately, hair transplantation is a fast growing sector where technological and medical innovations are making the transplant process better and the results more visible and noticeable, day by day.

One recent example of such advances is the direct hair transplantation technique, which is an advanced method of follicle transplantation. With the skills of certified surgeons and the latest medical equipment, the DHI procedure ensures a natural-looking hairline, providing as much density as possible.

Direct hair transplantation is applied using an implant known as Choi Pen, which is a very thin medical instrument with a diameter of 1 mm or less. It is a very practical tool, providing the perfect direction, angle and depth for surgeons to achieve the desired results. As part of the procedure, hair is removed from the donor area with a Choi pen and transplanted directly onto the donor area without delay.

Hair transplantation for women

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just men who suffer from hair loss. Although age-related hair loss is a relatively expected condition in men, hair loss in women is generally unpredictable at any age. But the truth is, about a third of women experience hair loss at some point in their lives. More than 10 percent of premenopausal women and more than 50 percent of women over the age of 65 find it difficult to thin their hair.

Hair loss in women is a debilitating problem that is not recognized as a major problem. Hair loss in women often has a greater effect than hair loss in men, since the absence of hair is considered socially unacceptable for women. Hair loss can seriously affect a woman’s emotional state and self-image as well as her quality of life, causing psychological distress and impaired social functioning.

The main type of hair loss in women is the same as in men, androgenetic alopecia or otherwise known as female pattern hair loss. It is characterized by a progressive shortening of the duration of the growth phase and a progressive follicular miniaturization. In men, hair loss usually begins above the temples, and the balding forehead eventually forms a typical “M” shape with simultaneous thinning at the top of the head, often progressing to baldness. Unlike men, in general, women do not go bald, but hair thinning at the top and front of the head is very common, and the gradual thinning is followed by an increase in the rate of diffuse hair loss from the top of the head. Female hair loss can occur at any time in a woman’s life, from puberty until the end of her life. However, it occurs more frequently in postmenopausal women. Initial diagnosis is made by careful analysis of the patient’s physical appearance and family history, but causes other than genetic factors must also be considered, such as medical conditions, such as telogen effluvium, medications, pregnancy, childbirth, severe anemia, nutritional deficiencies, rapid weight loss, and gland problems. Hypothyroidism, and underlying scalp conditions (ringworm, fungal infections, folliculitis, etc.)

How is female hair transplantation done?

Before preparing for a hair transplant, patients should be thoroughly examined by a doctor who specializes in hair restoration and ensure that they do not have any type of treatable medical condition that contributes to hair loss. Given that the options for female hair transplantation are the same as those of their male counterparts, the next step is to determine whether follicular unit extraction (FUE) or direct hair transplantation (DHI) is the best option to obtain the desired results.

Female hair transplantation can be quite complex because women’s hair loss patterns are generally more prevalent than their male counterparts. However, if conditions related to hair density are adequately met, an experienced and competent medical team can provide the desired results with a high success rate.

The hair transplant techniques used to restore female hair, FUE and DHI, are advanced transplant procedures that are performed using the same extraction techniques, but differ in the types of transplant devices. used. Both procedures begin with the administration of an anesthetic agent. Once the anesthesia takes effect, the extraction phase begins and using a punch or forceps, the grafts are removed from the donor area according to the previously prepared capillary plan. Next, small incisions are made using fine needles in the recipient area, whereas DHI does not require this intermediate stage. Transplantation begins immediately after the incisions are prepared. For DHI, a special implant device called Pen Choi is used, which can hold 1 to 4 hairs at a time. The extracted follicles are strategically inserted into the micro-channels, and finally the hair follicle transplantation ends.

The newly transplanted hair grows in the same way as the patient’s original hair within 3 to 6 months of the operation. The transplanted hair will take approximately 12 to 18 months to reach the desired density with huge perspectives.

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